Posted: May 25 2008 at 10:42am | IP Logged
I've got an 06 SE xcab with a firm pedal. Every truck (manufacturer) is going to feel a little different. Even using a different set of pads will feel a little different, but a squishy pedal is usually air in the brake lines. In a sealed hydraulic system, you can have 200 feet of brake line and it will feel the same because fluids don't compress. Air will!!! Being an 07 I can't imagine you having a problem with air in the system, but considering some of the problems other guys (and gals) are having with their new trucks, nothing surprises me. My recommendation would be to take it to your dealer and if they give you that song and dance, ask to drive one that's on the lot. If the one you drive has the problem, then you can accept it. Then have your brakes bled out thoroughly. I know it's been a month and a half with no other people replying to your post, but keep us informed. No problems at all with my 06 at 30K!
Take care!
__________________ Nelson37
06 SE KC V6 4x2
Yorba Linda, Calif.