Posted: Mar 31 2008 at 9:56am | IP Logged
Re: 1998 SE, 4x4, standard, 4 cyl
I am hoping that someone out there can help me. This is a very long, drawn out dilemma, but I will try to shorten....... Any help at all will be greatly appreciated.
In Sept. 2006 because of a mouse nest the Mass Air Flow Sensor had to be replaced. Before this was discovered the catalytic converter was taken off & a straight pipe was put on (w/out my approval). After the MAF was replaced it ran pretty well, but not as good as could be, due to no Cat. Conv.
All of a sudden started running poorly, not idling, not wanting to accelerate, etc. Was told "to get the converter put on again & that should fix it". Had that done & now running even worse. Has been with a local mechanic for 12 days & was just told "I can't figure this out". Even though the computer wasn't showing it, he took the MAF off another identical year, etc. & it didn't make a change. The truck will run with the air filter off, but if you even put your hand over it, it won't idle.
Please, please, any suggestions out there? I really don't want to take it to a dealer. They really took me for a ride the last time.
Thanks! Michele