Posted: Mar 26 2008 at 6:01pm | IP Logged
Well my '05 CC Nismo decided to drink a lot more coolant lately; A LOT MORE!!! Took it to the dealership last week because I saw a bit of coolant (no more than half the size of a dollar bill) and smelt a hint of coolant when I passed by the front of the truck.
3 days later they told me that there was an air pocket a a slight blockage caused by the faulty thermostat. The temp gauge never showed any increase in temp other than normal readings plus the fans worked on the rad as well. They replaced the thermostat, burped out the air pocket, and topped it up and sent me home.
After inhaling a strong scent of coolant for 4 days, I decided to look at the coolant level in the rad. Needed to add 1.75 litres of coolant/water this morning and then took it straight to the dealer. They added another 1.5 litres of coolant while running their analysis. They called and told me that a head gasket is gone on one bank (not sure which side yet). I checked the oil on the dip stick and there were no telltale signs of coolant in the oil and there were no leaks so where it went, nobody knows. Couldn't smell it out the exhaust either or see the nice white smoke.
19000 miles and I require a head gasket already!!!! Not Nissan reliability that I was expecting that I have been so accustomed to in the past.