Posted: Jun 25 2010 at 11:16am | IP Logged
I dont think OBH is really 'full of it' perhaps he just reads it off his teleprompter!
OBH flew back to Africa the other day to visit a tribe down there. And he preached a long sermon to the natives about ‘Change‘. About every 10 minutes the natives would jump up and down waving their hands and screaming ha-geeba ha-geeba. Spurred on by the excited group OBH raved on and on. Again about every 10 minutes the natives jump up and down screaming ha-geeba ha-geeba. Finally with tears of joy in his eye OBH turns to his guide and asks “ Just what the heck does this ha-geeba geeba mean?’ the guide says “you’re standing in it!”
Sorry gang, the devil made me post it.
The Dark Knight rides again