Posted: Dec 30 2011 at 12:13pm | IP Logged
Hey all,
First of all, I've been reading through the forums for about a month now, just got my thoughts together enough to kinda ask some questions. I just purchased my 2011 Frontier CC 4x4 and have a few quality of life issues. Bear in mind, this is my first truck, so they may be dumb questions:
1) The on-board factory bluetooth seems to be very echo-ey to callers on the other end. My best friend refuses to talk to me when I use it because he says he can't understand me. Anyone else have this issue or any suggestions on fixing it? My dealer said to reconnect my phone a few times, but that didn't seem to do a thing!
2) Fuel economy is pretty bad for me, I'm averaging 18.5 mpg highway. I've read that the backflip hard cover seems to be one of the best out there, but does that product (although awesome by itself) actually do anything for fuel efficiency? (I'm thinking reduced drag = more mpg).
3) This one is kinda dumb, but my side rear-view mirrors frost every morning (I live in western MD) and they seem to take a long time to thaw (20+ highway miles). Is there anything like Rain-X that I could put on them to make them less frosty?
Thanks for any tips guys, I know this all seems nit-picky, but these things are driving me insane (no pun intended). Also, for the record, I love the truck!