Posted: Apr 20 2008 at 9:57am | IP Logged
Hey All
I posted earlier of the boards N=1 of the issues I was having, and I have finally resolved the problems.
Soon after I posted that I went and purchased some Seafoam ( sounds like taffy to me but it's not) and I cleaned the Throttle Body again, BUT this time after I did that I pulled off my service manual some ways to make sure the air flow was adjusted correctly etc. I did a air flow learning, throttle closed learning, and an accelerator pedal learning (not the exact terminology but close). After doing those three coupled my the Seafoam in the throttle body, the truck was back to running smooth and the idle was back to normal. The Check engine light went out after the two start up cycles had run and there was no problem, so I was very happy about all of that.
Best thing was I was getting better mileage, not back to where it was before, buuuut I was getting 19.4 on the highway, up from 16!
Also I went to walmart to file a claim for my MAF and they paid! Yup $323.00! So with the cash in hand I quickly went and ordered my MAF from Nissan and had it put in. As soon as I left the garage I went and filled my truck up to be able to reset the mileage indicator, and OH MY FREAKIN GOSH 17 mpg rolling down the city street.
The combination of the cleaning, readjusting the air intake, and then the faulty MAF has solved my 5 month problem and got my gas mileage back to were it was before this whole ordeal started. I have not gone on the highway yet to see if I am back to 22 on the hwy but with 16-17 in the city, and the fact that I was just getting 19 on the hwy before the repair, I feel confident that I have solved the problem.
thanks to all the advice from eveyone.
__________________ 2005 Nissan Frontier Nismo
4.0 Engine